About us


The Daydreamer Project is an ongoing social experiment, combining individuals from a variety of demographic and socioeconomic backgrounds in a single work-based environment, providing the opportunity to showcase their skills and talents to create a lasting career for themselves.

We are still an online social recruitment initiative based in Leicester, UK. We were originally formed with the view of combating homelessness and creating sustainability through hard-work and entrepreneurship. The initial construct was deemed as a social experiment to see how to get homeless people back into work; and to some extent it still is.

Our ethos has since evolved to facilitate the betterment of the homeless, long-term unemployed, ex-offenders and any other marginalised communities alike whom would like support. Basically, to enable those most disadvantaged and in greatest need of support facilitated back into work. Jobseekers come to us not only for a job, but for an opportunity, to realise their professional dreams and move up in their careers and aspire for continuous long-term growth.

Daydreamer Project
No Home
No Work
Daydreamer Project
Homeless Subway
Daydreamer Project
Homeless Food

We call our recruiters and employees “Daydreamers” and “Dream-Makers”, because everyone here works for the ultimate purpose:

“To help people and companies achieve their dreams”

We make the dreams of our clients come true by helping them hire the right individuals for their businesses. We actualise the dreams of our jobseekers by offering them most fitting jobs and opportunities based on their aspirations.

We, the Dream-Makers, are here to help. Hosting a vast range of employment and development opportunities, we aim to grow, evolve and learn alongside those we work with; clients and service users alike. Through strategic alliances and partnerships, as an agency, as an idea and as a social experiment, one day we wish to see all homeless people back into sustainable living and end homelessness once and for all. That is our mission and that is our goal.

Work - Thumbs Up
Work - Laptops
Work - Handshake

All Resumes
All Companies
All Applications

What The Daydreamer Project Offers

We have a very unique service offering designed to both facilitate your growing business needs and change the lives of a potential employee.

10 years of experience and research, built on a single vision. Even to this day, we do not consider ourselves knowing all the answers, but forever seeking knowledge.

We are simply an idea…

CROSS PLATFORM: Accessible on all good browsers, from desktop, tablet and mobile platforms, with our own integrated mobile application coming soon.

EASY MANAGEMENT: Simply login to your account, select the advertisement type you would like to post, paste all the relevant details in, submit and you’re good to go.

SIMPLE SERVICE:  Designed as a simple solution, we provide ongoing support from your own service management executive to assist you along you journey.

SIMPLY MAGICAL: A recruitment agency this may be, however the idea is to create a little ‘magic’ and ‘sparkle’ in the lives of those we can assist to be the best version of their potential selves.

NO TECHNICAL KNOWLEDGE: Our user interface means you don’t need technical knowledge to build a neat looking job app, import pictures, change fonts, bold or italics, it really is that simple!

ONE DREAM: The project began with the idea of changing the world and has evolved to how many individual worlds we can touch and improve along the way.

Coming Soon: Daydreamer Project App for your mobile!

Searching for the right job has never been so easy, navigating through all the jobs you could have versus all of the jobs you want. Soon you will find your dream job matched with your career goals and expectations right in the palm of your hand. Our Mobile App Is Coming Soon!


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